Saturday, February 19, 2011

Very Thoughtful Student

A very thoughtful student of mine brought cookies for her birthday treats.  She made special ones for me in the letters of my name.  Her mom told me that she wanted to do this (it wasn't a mom idea thing).  AND she brought me a diet coke to drink with it instead of the juice she gave the rest of the class.  She is definitely an old soul.  Made my entire week!  And all I got her was a card and a trip to the prize box. 

My Pride and Joy

This is a photo of my pride and joy: Tanner

He is now 3 years old.  The beginning of his life was not the easiest.  We spent 40 days in the NICU for various reasons.  He was born a Cyclone fan (proved it to use by having the Harlequin Sign--he was jaundice and with this sign half of his body was yellow-jaundice, and the other half red, and it would switch.) 
I wasn't supposed to have him. (Type 1 diabetic since I was seven) And consider him my miracle, as I have had no long term complications since his birth.

Okay enough bragging...

Crazy Adventures = Crazy Teacher

The adventures you take as a teacher can be crazy and yet rewarding!  Being a crazy teacher means you aren't afraid to "get messy" and sometimes act like a big kid yourself.  In just three short years I have become a seriously crazy teacher, but I love what I do and I hope my kiddos love it too! 

Let the adventures begin!